進階的研究議題包含:驗證OT提升ADL/IADL之後,能否接續提升個案以及家屬之健康相關生活品質或更全面之生活品質。目前國內學者林克忠及吳菁宜等投入上肢動作復健,初步結果呈現上肢動作之恢復能提升ADL/IADL ,亦能提升部分層面之健康相關生活品質。4, 5 上述成果雖未能涵蓋各類型或不同嚴重程度之中風病人,亦欠缺半年以上之長期成效驗證,相關成果誠屬可喜。後續巨觀、包含全面介入ADL/IADL影響因素,以期提升個案以及家屬之生活品質之治療理論與機制仍待建立與驗證。
1. Legg L, Drummond A, Leonardi-Bee J, Gladman JR, Corr S, Donkervoort M, Edmans J, Gilbertson L, Jongbloed L, Logan P, Sackley C, Walker M, Langhorne P. Occupational therapy for patients with problems in personal activities of daily living after stroke: Systematic review of randomised trials. BMJ. 2007;335:922
2. Veerbeek JM, Kwakkel G, van Wegen EE, Ket JC, Heymans MW. Early prediction of outcome of activities of daily living after stroke: A systematic review. Stroke. 2011;42:1482-1488
3. Meijer R, Ihnenfeldt DS, de Groot IJ, van Limbeek J, Vermeulen M, de Haan RJ. Prognostic factors for ambulation and activities of daily living in the subacute phase after stroke. A systematic review of the literature. Clin Rehabil. 2003;17:119-129
4. Hsieh YW, Wu CY, Liao WW, Lin KC, Wu KY, Lee CY. Effects of treatment intensity in upper limb robot-assisted therapy for chronic stroke: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2011;25:503-511
5. Wu CY, Chen CL, Tsai WC, Lin KC, Chou SH. A randomized controlled trial of modified constraint-induced movement therapy for elderly stroke survivors: Changes in motor impairment, daily functioning, and quality of life. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88:273-278
4. Hsieh YW, Wu CY, Liao WW, Lin KC, Wu KY, Lee CY. Effects of treatment intensity in upper limb robot-assisted therapy for chronic stroke: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2011;25:503-511
5. Wu CY, Chen CL, Tsai WC, Lin KC, Chou SH. A randomized controlled trial of modified constraint-induced movement therapy for elderly stroke survivors: Changes in motor impairment, daily functioning, and quality of life. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88:273-278
根據姿誼所提出之看法,關於"治療前,先詢問個案與家屬最想加強之ADL項目",我在之前所閱讀過的"Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance (CO-OP)"認知療法用於增進中風患者日常生活參與的文獻中,也看到了這樣的概念。。。
Henshaw, E., Polatajko, H., McEwen, S., Ryan, J. D., & Baum, C. M. (2011). Cognitive approach to improving participation after stroke: Two case studies. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 55–63.
1. 「多元ADL/IADL訓練模式」指 考量與全面介入ADL/IADL之影響因素。
回覆刪除2. 「先詢問個案與家屬他們最想加強的ADL項目」 is a quick method but may not hit the point. 這部分可包含於我所提的「個案/家屬動機(或文化因素)、家庭支持程度等」。 這部分也是「個案為中心」、「知情同意」、「個案自主」等醫療原則之應用。