2013年11月25日 星期一


2003 升等為教授,倏忽10載,青春已逝...



這時期的研究方向以提升OT成效評量之效能(精準度 & 效率)為主,並提出:「OT卓越計畫(中風復健卓越模式之建立)[詳辦公室前海報或網頁: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~clhsieh/evaluation/main.htm]」作為後續研究之藍圖。

具體研究主題從現代測驗理論提升到電腦適性測驗,2005通過 NHRI 計畫以及台大醫院計畫,開始投入發展 CAT。

這時期的貴人是 王文中教授/陳定信教授還有許清芳教授。
王教授帶我進入 Rasch model 以及 CAT 領域,讓我得以開展後續研究的方向以及奠定相關方法學之基礎。[Note: 王教授是曾美惠老師邀請至學系演講,我才認識。]
許清芳教授教導我邏輯思考與寫作,若無許教授的協助,諸多論文恐難以見世。[Note: 許教授是我因為學系30週年慶負責系友資訊更新,才認識此在美國任教的學長,我便邀請他至學系演講,才正式認識。]

2007年於系主任任期完成博士班之設立,建構學系完整之學術架構,這是學系研究成果/水準得以領先國際上絕大多數OT單位的關鍵架構。這也是個人於系主任任期間,自認為最重要的貢獻。[Note: 申請博班時,系上教授只我一位,全系研究成果相當有限,申請過程備受責難。]

2010發表國際上第一個中風病人 Balance CAT。
2013發表國際上第一個中風病人 ADL CAT。

1. 將主戰場移至「研究所」以培養研究人才為主。沒有人才/團隊,一切免談!
2. 研究主題以「基礎研究」為主,依據研究生之興趣或我建議之方向,投入基礎研究領域以打下厚實的基礎。沒有基礎,成果難以紮實,遑論應用。


3. 並將主戰場移至「臨床單位」以擴展與臨床人員的合作管道(資源),也為研究生建立臨床資源(收案管道與未來合作對象)。

研究對象擴展至 schizo,以順利推動認知評估工具之驗證與發展(關鍵基礎研究之一)並積極跟 psych 機構建立合作管道。


1. Hsueh IP, Wang WC, Wang CH, Sheu CF, Lo SK, Lin JH, Hsieh CL. A simplified stroke rehabilitation assessment of movement instrument. Phys Ther. 2006;86:936-43. [Rasch 相關著作的精華:多向度、精準、簡化]
2. Chien CW, Hu MH, Tang PF, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. A comparison of psychometric properties of the Smart Balance Master system and the Postural Assessment Scale for stroke in people who have had mild stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88:374-80. [打破一般人對於儀器的「量化」「精準」的迷思]
3. Hsueh IP, Chen JH, Wang CH, Chen CT, Sheu CF, Wang WC, Hou WH, Hsieh CL*. Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing balance function in patients with stroke. Phys Ther. 2010;90:1336-44.[發展出第一個CAT]
4. 謝清麟等。本土必要之中風病人職能治療研究議題。職能治療學會雜誌。2011;29:7-20。[建構後續研究藍圖]
5. Hsieh CL, Hoffmann T, Gustafsson L, Lee YC. The diverse constructs use of ADL measures in stroke randomized controlled trials in the years 2005-2009. J Rehabil Med. 2012;44:720-6.[凸顯ADL評量之問題,這也是第一次教授年休假之研究成果]
6. Hsueh IP, Chen JH, Wang CH, Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing activities of daily living in outpatients with stroke. Phys Ther.2013; 93:681-693. [發展出第二個嶄新的CAT]


1. 這段期間讓我更喜歡寫作,因為寫作(寫論文)才能跟(國際)高手切磋,提升水平,也才能盡情「刻畫」人生。
2. 這段期間也讓我「享受」教授生涯,尤其二次教授年休假,擁有更多自我應用/揮灑的時間。
3. 這段期間,因為教授的福利以及工作上自認「游刃有餘」,給我充裕的時間,跟家人相處/運動/旅遊!

2013年11月24日 星期日

Checklists for writing

JCE 近年來刊登一系列提升寫作效能之檢核表與說明,摘錄如下:

1. Kotz D, Cals JW. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers--part I: how to get started. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:397.
2. Cals JW, Kotz D. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part II: title and abstract. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:585.
3. Cals JW, Kotz D. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part III: introduction. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:702.
4. Kotz D, Cals JW. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part IV: methods. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:817.
5. Kotz D, Cals JW. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part V: results. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:945.
6. Cals JW, Kotz D. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part VI: discussion. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:1064.
7. Kotz D, Cals JW. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part VII: tables and figures. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:1197.

2013年11月18日 星期一






請參考之前的 post: 大陸教授的「歡迎來到地獄旅遊」

2013年11月17日 星期日



另,明年3~6月,擬於週六下午辦理小型 symposium, 每位博班生主導一次(也只有一次)
symposium 內容包含:
1. 研究主題介紹(重要性、目前瓶頸)
2. 目前進展與成果
3. 後續研究 and/or 應用
4. 所遭遇之困難與目前所想到的解決之道
5. 與會專家學者評論

博班生請於12月底之前向老師提出主題、建議學者/專家名單以及挑選時間(March ~ June 2014之週六下午)。
1月底之前依據上述內容寫好摘要,1~4 各一頁,並草擬會議議程(3小時)



2013年11月15日 星期五




OT 重視個案的職能,若依此哲理,也套用現有 model, 我想 USC 的 Lifestyle redesign 概念最適於癌症病患。

依據 USC Center for Occupation and Lifestyle Redesign® 網站描述:

The Center for Occupation and Lifestyle Redesign® is the world’s first center dedicated to the study of how everyday activities, or “occupations,” shape human health and well-being. Here, faculty and students:

1. Analyze the evolution of human occupation from the Arts and Crafts Era to today.
2. Examine how occupational changes affect individuals physically, psychologically and spiritually.
3. Synthesize research, education and clinical practice to discover what constitutes an optimal balance of work, rest and leisure.
4. Customize intervention programs to help individuals achieve optimal living.

1~4 可說是從學術到臨床(從基礎到應用)


e.g., 一位新診斷癌症病人(家屬)剛開始一定很震驚,急於瞭解病情/治療模式與可能存活期間,生活作息一定一片混亂。一段時間後應即可掌握相關訊息,之後,跟個案/家屬最關鍵的應該就是如何「面對可能有限的時間(存活期)」「重新(調適)生活」,OT如果可以幫得上忙,應該是「功勞/貢獻無限」!

侯醫師補充:很多女性病人來看診時,才發現很多應該要"正常"進行的IADL,但她們都不敢去作,甚至因此併發complications 如muscle atrophy, joint contracture, weakness,更不用說已經很久沒跟朋友去爬山、旅遊或逛街了
Some cancer survivors have difficulty being back to previous normal life...

2013年11月14日 星期四

克服 Balance CAT and ADL CAT 之缺陷

二 CATs 共同缺陷為極端值之信度低於 0.9,無論施測多少項目皆然(也就是題庫題目不足,欠缺很難及很簡單的題目)。

目前我想到的克服方法為利用多向度的功能,以期提升極端值之信度(也就是利用 ADL and Balance 之高相關,以補充訊息/提升信度。如 balance 差,ADL也差,balance 很好, ADL也好)。

目前請慶麟跟俊宏,協助模擬分析看看效果如何,我們先假設二者的相關係數為 0.6。 如果效果還不太理想,就考慮再加上 CAT FM.....

一般多向度CAT的建立,須同時施測所有多向度之題目,造成因為施測題數龐大,可性低。若能先以模擬方式,再實地施測 CATs, 則可提升可行性。



2013年11月8日 星期五


主要目的:探索/確認致病或復原之機轉(如造成ADL失能與提升ADL獨立之機制 [影響模式])。 也就是研究人員可先擬定核心目的(如提升ADL功能或認知功能等),基本上其復原機制皆相當複雜,故必須建構理論模式或復原機制,以利全盤/深入掌握相關機制。若相關基礎工具已經備妥,則可逐步驗證與修改理論模式或復原機制。

主要方法:1. 猜測與否證(假說與RCT)[如以RCT驗證:提升個案之OT知識與參與度可提升個案參與OT治療之假說];2. 長期追蹤或病歷記錄,累積大量資料,再以統計方法(如結構方程模型)驗證因果關係。

主要基礎:1. 理論建構與評估工具 (generic & condition-specific tools) [建構全面提升ADL獨立之理論,並發展相關評估工具 [如 OT 知識與參與度之評估工具]。2. 病歷記錄改良 [如將OT參與度列入例行評估,以提升臨床推理與治療成效之效能]。

2013年11月7日 星期四


我們之前將 point digit test, 修改成電腦版: CPDT



Balance CAT, ADL CAT, 甚至 BI-SS 好不容易發展出來了!!




恩琦正在設計 PEF, 姿誼設計 OTK 測驗, 怡靜設計 FIFE 問卷, 菀薈/恭宏設計電腦化注意力測驗,應該都對修改/測試的歷程:刻骨銘心!

2013年11月5日 星期二

Lynn's Tips on improving English

Including writing, reading, listening, and speaking!! You may download a WORD file here
You are so welcome to have a talk over the tips with Lynn!!

Apart from Professor Hsieh’s guidelines, here are some other suggestions:
l   Try to do a plan with the main points first to avoid repetition and ask yourself if what you are writing adds value to your paper
l   When defining terms in the introduction, choose a definition that is relevant to your topic
l   After stating your main point in the topic sentence, it is important to use conjunction words to relate the following supporting sentences
l   Try to use transition words to emphasize certain key points or to compare and contrast
l   Keep the terms or sentence patterns consistent when making a list or describing a series of steps
l   Use a thesaurus to avoid repeated words but don’t use words you don’t know just to make it sound better
l   Use a collocations dictionary or corpus to find out which words collate together i.e. which nouns go together with which verbs like ‘commit a crime’, ‘perform an operation’
l   Read and learn from model articles but avoid copying as they might not always be applicable
l   Read up on expressing different levels of certainty, especially for the discussion part
l   Try to skim read the first time to get the general gist, you can look up any vocabulary the second time
l   Pay attention to the use of conjunction words in order to understand the relationship between key words
l   You do not need to read aloud when reading for information. It will slow you down
l   Reading aloud can be helpful for a presentation or related listening tasks so that you can pick up on the words when you hear them
l   After reading an article, practice writing a brief summary. This is to see if you can catch the key points. You can do this in pairs for peer evaluation and compare your work to see if you got the same key information.
l   Try to listen to different types of OT/PT podcasts e.g. interviews, seminar presentations, debates etc. This will help you to follow less structured or more spontaneous speech.
l   Apart from OPT podcasts, try to listen to speeches in other areas such as world news, business, entertainment etc. to get a feel of how language is used in different contexts.
l   Try to let go of certain words you don’t understand and listen to the speech as a whole. The key points will often be repeated or emphasized in the speaker’s tone of voice.
l   If you are unfamiliar with the topic, read some reference articles beforehand to help you become familiar with the terms.
l   If you get lost in the middle, try to use your logic and speculate what they might be talking about and its relation to the topic, then go back and listen to it again and check.
l   Listen to a range of different accents and don’t assume that you won’t be able to understand. After the first 5 minutes, you will get more used to it.
l   When asked to recall the information and you can’t remember or there is too much, try to summarize and paraphrase. Remember you don’t need to repeat exactly what the speaker said.
l   Don’t get stuck on certain words you can’t think of. Try using a different way to express your thoughts. Eg. It is very efficient à It can save a lot of time.
l   Grammar is not that important in speaking but pay attention to the tense of verbs (past, present, future)
l   Avoid too many fillers (um, ah) or laughing, and going around in circles when you can’t think of what to say
l   Try to write down certain phrases or expressions that you find useful rather than single vocabulary words, or practice using the new words to make your own sentences and have a native speaker check.
l   Make sure you use coherent sentences when speaking, don’t just say single words or fragments, your speech still has to make sense. You can record yourself and listen back to it to see how to make it better. 

2013年11月2日 星期六





2013年11月1日 星期五


The Johann Jacob Wepfer Award
得主為 Prof. Diener
參與過一百多個 RCT
得獎感言之主題為:"Failures, Mistakes and Shortcomings of My Stroke Trials"
