2013年8月22日 星期四

COSMIN 網站及相關文獻:評論(健康相關)評估工具之標準

侯醫師分享 COSMIN 網站:www.cosmin.nl
COSMIN 計畫之目的為建構評論(健康相關)評估工具之標準
主要由 Dr. Terwee 主持,研究生 Mokkink 執行。
侯醫師別提到 COSMIN 的第1項標準為判斷項目是否符合 reflective model.
因為多數工具發展者並不聲明(或依據)那個 model, 只能自行判斷。
"A reflective model is a model in which all items are a manifestation of the same underlying construct. These kind of items are called effect indicators. These items are expected to be highly correlated and interchangeable.
Its counterpart is a formative model, in which the items together form the construct. These items do not need to be correlated. Therefore, internal consistency is not relevant for items that form a formative model. For example, stress could be measured by asking about the occurrence of different situations and events that might lead to stress, such as job loss, death in a family, divorce etc. These events do not need to be correlated, thus internal consistency is not relevant for such an instrument."

COSMIN 計畫詳參考文獻 8,主要成果詳參考文獻 5-7。

1 則留言:

  1. 我上課時會使用COSMIN的文獻,我覺得是蠻好的教材,給了學生判斷的標準:)
