2013年8月21日 星期三

depression & anxiety CAT 的最新發展--2012 & 2013

2013 Prof. Robert D. Gibbons 又發表 anxiety CAT  了!

Gibbons RD, Weiss DJ, Pilkonis PA, Frank E, Moore T, Kim JB, Kupfer DJ. Development of the CAT-ANX: A Computerized Adaptive Test for Anxiety. Am J Psychiatry. 2013 Aug 9. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13020178. [Epub ahead of print]

跟之前他的團隊發展之 depression CAT 加起來之效能更強大了!!

Aug. 21, 2013 颱風假看到:
Gibbons RD, Hooker G, Finkelman MD, Weiss DJ, Pilkonis PA, Frank E, Moore T, Kupfer DJ. The Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic Test for Major Depressive Disorder (CAD-MDD): a screening tool for depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2013 Jul;74(7):669-74.
主要結果為:An average of 4 items per participant was required (maximum of 6 items). Overall sensitivity and specificity were 0.95 and 0.87, respectively. For the PHQ-9, sensitivity was 0.70 and specificity was 0.91.
發展 depression 的 screening CAT 這是良好 depression item bank 的必然趨勢(由繁到簡,容易!)

以下是2012 Nov. 的 post:
Gibbons RD, Weiss DJ, Pilkonis PA, Frank E, Moore T, Kim JB, Kupfer DJ. Development of a computerized adaptive test for depression.Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012 Nov 1;69(11):1104-12.

Unlike other areas of medicine, psychiatry is almost entirely dependent on patient report to assess the presence and severity of disease; therefore, it is particularly crucial that we find both more accurate and efficient means of obtaining that report.

看來 psych 也是最好運用 CAT 的領域。

竟然跟 PROMIS 對打!!

The National Institutes of Health–funded PROMIS initiative has also studied patient-reported outcomes using CAT and IRT, including depression. The primary differences between PROMIS and the CAT-DI for the measurement of depression are (1) the PROMIS item bank consists of 28 items, whereas the CAT-DI bank consists of 389 items; (2) PROMIS has relied on unidimensional IRT models, whereas the CAT-DI incorporates multidimensionality produced by the sampling of items from distinct subdomains of depression; and (3) the CAT-DI has been developed for measuring the severity of depression and screening for depression, whereas PROMIS has focused on measurement of depressive severity.

Funding/Support: This work was supported by grant R01-MH66302 from the National Institute of Mental Health

PROMIS 的 depression CAT & CAT-DI 皆是美國政府 support. 看來美國不是內亂就是要打內戰了。。。

Additional Information: The CAT-DI will ultimately be made available for routine administration, and its development as a commercial product is under consideration.
PROMIS 的 CAT 可是免費的!!

Publications of the PROMIS depression CAT

Pilkonis PA, Choi SW, Reise SP, Stover AM, Riley WT, Cella D. PROMISCooperative Group.  Item banks for measuring emotional distress from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®): depression, anxiety, and anger.  Assessment. 2011;18(3):263-283.
Teresi JA, Ocepek-Welikson K, Kleinman M, Eimicke JP, Crane PK, Jones RN, Lai JS, Choi SW, Hays RD, Reeve BB, Reise SP, Pilkonis PA, Cella D. Analysis of differential item functioning in the depression item bank from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS): an item response theory approach.  Psychol Sci Q. 2009;51(2):148-180.

3 則留言:

  1. 目前看起來CAT-DI確實內容比較完整且功能較多,


  2. 美國政府應該不是錢太多吧(誤) XD

  3. 看到用derpessionCAT來作為診斷篩檢major depression的工具,真是太promising了!這帶給我的啟發是:未來我們團隊是否可以進一步將CAT的criterion validity,找到更精確的golden standard,來運算到sensitivity和specisity以建立疾病診斷(major depression)、功能診斷(mobility)、症狀診斷(cancer-related fatigue)等的CAT篩檢工具呢?
