2023年2月12日 星期日

2/10研討會補充內容之五 -- AI 的功能與願景

1. AI是後續任何專家必備/強大的工具(代表知識庫【含實證】與處理速度)

    若還有疑惑者,請以英文玩玩 OpenAI (試問 OpenAI 專業問題,並跟一般畢業生比較或跟臨床10年之臨床專家比較)【使用英文的主因是英文資料庫的廣度與深度最佳】

Q for OpenAI (Feb. 12, 2023): What are the differences between ability, capability, actual performance, and perceived difficulty of activities of daily living?

  • Ability: Ability refers to an individual's potential to perform an activity or task. It is determined by an individual's physical and mental capabilities and is not necessarily related to actual performance.
  • Actual Performance: Actual performance refers to how an individual actually performs a task or activity. This is based on the individual's current level of ability, motivation, and any environmental or situational factors that may influence the outcome.
  • Perceived Difficulty: Perceived difficulty refers to how difficult an individual believes a task or activity to be. This is based on the individual's experience, beliefs, and expectations, and can vary greatly from person to person.

2. 專業涵蓋領域越廣/個案歧異性越大,AI能提升之效能越佳,因為只有AI才能快速有效率地處理龐大的訊息量,甚至做出決策指引

3. 達成上述的關鍵在於相關專業知識 (dimain knowledge)、(追蹤)資料庫以及良好的評估工具【給予AI標準答案,以訓練AI】


