"Development of a set of functional hierarchical balance short forms for patients with stroke" was submitted to the Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair.
This study did not reach a high enough priority score for this journal. In addition, new tools ought to show their advantages across the spectrum of severity of impairment and disability for a disease, as well as sensitivity to change.
無實質審查,主編看看就退稿了。可能是 cover letter 或 abstract 寫得不好。唯一較明確的問題是欠缺 responsiveness 驗證。
擦掉眼淚,修改摘要及 cover letter 以突顯價值。預計改投 Physical Therapy or APMR.
另一方面持續 responsiveness/predictive validity 研究,將來說不定,需要合併後再投稿。
回覆刪除若老師不急著刊登 就如主編所建議就補上測驗的臨床優點(如responseiveness)
同時亦可取一小部分資料欲與matach-control group想比較
或者補上cut-off point幫助臨床人員評判是否個案有balance上面的問題