2010年2月4日 星期四


可能由於 ICF 的影響,近期可看到許多 participation 評估工具不足的評論論文。
台灣就更不用說了, ADL item bank (actual performance & perceived difficulty*) 或可解決此問題。
同時也須加緊探索 ADL/IADL 是否為 同一建構 (unidimension)。

* 有些作者對於ADL有更細的分類,如 Jenny 的整理:
Ability is referred as what a person can do (in relation to ADL tasks) in a standardized context.
Capability is referred as what a person can do (in relation to ADL tasks) in his/her daily environment.
Actual performance is referred as what a person actually does do when performing the ADL tasks in his/her own environment.
Perceived difficulty in performing ADL tasks is referred as the individual’s reflection of their subjective and personal experience of the level of difficulty in performing specific ADL tasks.
因為 actual performance & perceived difficulty 為 outcome indicators, 故先發展之。其它2者,重要性與發展難度過高(因為不易標準化),短期內,不投入。

