2023年6月30日 星期五


依據 WHO 官網:https://reurl.cc/7kK9aN

36題版:Allows to compute overall and 6 domain-specific functioning scores

  1. Cognition – understanding & communicating
  2. Mobility– moving & getting around
  3. Self-care– hygiene, dressing, eating & staying alone
  4. Getting along– interacting with other people
  5. Life activities– domestic responsibilities, leisure, work & school
  6. Participation– joining in community activities

12題版:Allows to compute overall functioning scores



  1. 12題版可用以預測36題的資訊嗎? 成效如何?
  2. 有更短、更好的短版? 可預測overall and 6 domain-specific functioning scores 
  3. 個案受訪 vs 照護者受訪 心理計量或短版項目之異同
  4. cross validation
Issues to be addressed: which type of score is commonly used?
* Suggested to omit four items in domain 5 (items 5.5–5.8) related to “work or school activities" for respondents who were neither working nor in school---剩32題
5.5 Your day-to-day work/school?
5.6 Doing your most important work/school tasks well?
5.7 Getting all the work done that you need to do?
5.8 Getting your work done as quickly as needed?

Stroke 個案有一篇CFA,Schizo 皆無。

