2015年9月25日 星期五

IRT/CAT 最新文獻

Amtmann D,  et al. A comparison of multiple patient reported outcome measures in identifying major depressive disorder in people with multiple sclerosis. J Psychosom Res. 2015 Sep 1. pii: S0022-3999(15)00520-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2015.08.007.
結果蠻特別的 PROMIS 的 CAT表現沒有比較好

Batterham PJ, et al. Systematic item selection process applied to developing item pools for assessing multiple mental health problems. J Clin Epidemiol. 2015 Aug;68(8):913-9.
建構 item pool 的方法可參考

Choi SW, Schalet B, Cook KF, Cella D. Establishing a common metric for depressive symptoms: linking the BDI-II, CES-D, and PHQ-9 to PROMIS depression. Psychol Assess. 2014 Jun;26(2):513-27.
後續可考慮建構 BBS, PASS & Balance CAT 的 common metric!

