1. Lin GH, Li CY, Sheu CF, Huang, CY, Lee SC, Huang YH, Hsieh CL. Using Machine Learning to develop a short-form measure assessing 5 functions in patients with stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2021 (in press).
2. Lee SC, Wang YC, Lin GH, Li PC, Lee YC, Chou CY, Huang CY, Hsieh CL. Development of a short-form Stroke Impact Scale using a machine learning algorithm in patients at subacute stage. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2021 (in press).
3. Lee SC, Chen KW, Liu CC, Kuo CJ, Hsueh IP, Hsieh CL. Using machine learning to improve the discriminative power of the FERD screener in classifying patients with schizophrenia and healthy adults. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021;292:102-107.
4. Lin GH, Huang CY, Lee SC, Chen KL, Lien JJ, Chen MH, Huang YH, Hsieh CL. A 10-item Fugl-Meyer Motor Scale Based on Machine Learning. Physical Therapy. 2021;101:pzab036.
- 2018年開始投入後,終於看到成果!!
- 從主要作者(恭宏/士捷)即可看出,長期培養人才之成效。沒有他們,就沒有這些成果//進展!!
- 上述成果也顯示資料庫的重要,以利於恭宏/士捷之學以致用(學習AI技術,立即有用武之地)!!我們的資料庫,還有美國的資料庫(海外系友提供/合作)
- 相對於國際復健領域對於AI應用的研究,這些研究成果讓我們處於領先位置!!審稿過程中,上述專業期刊很難找到合適的審稿委員(也延誤審查時間)!!