2015年8月30日 星期日

動詞時態 for 英文稿件/研究計畫英文摘要

論文稿件Introduction section動詞之時態
Present tense
Assessing ADL function is important for clinicians in determining the level of disability for persons with stroke.
General statements about research findings
Present perfect tense (active or passive)
Computerized adaptive testing has been used to achieve efficient, reliable, and valid assessments of health-related functions.xx
Citing previous findings
Present perfect tense or past tense or (前者語氣較肯定)
We have shown that the group-level responsiveness of the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients (PASS) is similar to that of the short form PASS (SFPASS).xx
The 5 items of the SFPASS were selected from the 12 items of the PASS.xx
Referring specifically to the methods used in a
previous paper
Simple past tense
They used standard error to calculate individual-level responsiveness.xx
Signaling the issues or gaps or knowledge
Present tense (active or passive)
The individual-level responsiveness of the two measures remains unknown.
Purpose of the study
Simple past tense
This study aimed to construct a CAT system for assessing ADL function for outpatients with stroke.
如果你不確定,就用 past tense

Discussion section:
Past tense to summarize findings, with present tense to interpret results
Present tense to indicate limitations of your study
Present tense to suggest future study

u  研究計畫摘要之動詞時態,大多為現在式或未來式。


