2014年10月23日 星期四


"Development of a Computerized Digit Vigilance Test and Validation in Patients with Stroke" 論文已被 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 接受刊登!!



2014年10月17日 星期五

I get it!? 提出嶄新/重要的心理計量指標??

寫了幾篇 individual responsiveness 論文後,一直在思考二個議題:
1. effect size (group-level index) 跟 SE-based index  (individual-level index) 之結果為何不同??
2. 我有可能提出新的 individual-level index 嗎?

今早(Oct. 17, 2014)起床後,一直在思考新的 individual-level responsiveness 的幾種可能指標。
10:30 的時候,我覺得好像找到了,正在招兵買馬,找人一起驗證之!!

隔天(Oct. 18)早上繼續思考第一個議題,我想我應該想清楚了: 二者的主要差別在於【隨機誤差】與【樣本數】。
 effect size (基本運算為 Difference/SD) 是 group-level index 所以 difference 受到評估工具隨機誤差的影響很少,但是 difference 在臨床(個案)層級就受到隨機誤差很大的影響。舉例而言,許多評估工具的 MDC%都超過20%,然而我們絕大多數的治療成效在短期內(2~4週內)甚少超過20%,也就是療效難以超過評估工具之誤差。


未來的療效驗證,研究人員應呈現 effect size 以及多少比例之個案超過MDC (number of patients needed to treat [to be beyond MDC]),以提升研究成果之臨床應用(讓臨床人員更明確知道他們會看到的療效為何)。


1. 我基本上是心理計量方法的應用者,應用久了,也會看到現有驗證方法的缺點,所以有時候,也會思考如何解決現有心理計量方法之缺陷。

如果我真能提出新的  individual-level responsiveness index, 這可令人期待/興奮阿!!

2. 已發表 4 篇 individual responsiveness 論文
(1). Chen KL, Chou YT, Yu WH, Chen CT, Shih CL, Hsieh CL. A prospective study of the responsiveness of the original and the short form berg balance scale in people with stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2015;29:468-476.
(2). Chen KL, Chen CT, Chou YT, Shih CL, Koh CL, Hsieh CL. Is the long form of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale more responsive than the short form in patients with stroke? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95:941-949.
(3). Hsueh IP, Chen KL, Chou YT, Wang YH, Hsieh CL. Individual-level responsiveness of the original and short-form postural assessment scale for stroke patients. Phys Ther. 2013;93:1377-1382.
(4). Huang YJ, Chen KL, Chou YT, Hsueh IP, Hou CY, Hsieh CL. Comparison of the Responsiveness of the Long-Form and Simplified Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement: Group- and Individual-Level Analysis. Phys Ther. 2015;95:1172-1183.

2014年10月3日 星期五


以下10篇論文是我自覺較滿意的著作,有興趣想好好瞭解者,請於下週三之前 e-mail 給我。



Your comments are appreciated!

1. Chen KL, Chen CT, Chou YT, Shih CL, Koh CL, Hsieh CL. Is the long form of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale more responsive than the short form in patients with stroke? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95:941-949.
2. Hsueh IP, Chen KL, Chou YT, Wang YH, Hsieh CL. Individual-level responsiveness of the original and short-form postural assessment scale for stroke patients. Phys Ther. 2013;93:1377-1382.
3. Hsueh IP, Chen JH, Wang CH, Hou WH, Hsieh CL. Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing activities of daily living in outpatients with stroke. Phys Ther. 2013;93:681-693.
4. Hsieh CL, Hoffmann T, Gustafsson L, Lee YC. The diverse constructs use of activities of daily living measures in stroke randomized controlled trials in the years 2005-2009. J Rehabil Med. 2012;44:720-726.
5. Hsieh YW, Wang CH, Wu SC, Chen PC, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. Establishing the minimal clinically important difference of the Barthel index in stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2007;21:233-238.
6. Hsieh YW, Hsueh IP, Chou YT, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL, Kwakkel G. Development and validation of a short form of the Fugl-Meyer motor scale in patients with stroke. Stroke. 2007;38:3052-3054.
7. Chien CW, Hu MH, Tang PF, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. A comparison of psychometric properties of the smart balance master system and the postural assessment scale for stroke in people who have had mild stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88:374-380.*
8. Hsueh IP, Wang WC, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. Rasch analysis of combining two indices to assess comprehensive adl function in stroke patients. Stroke. 2004;35:721-726.
9. Hsueh IP, Lin JH, Jeng JS, Hsieh CL. Comparison of the psychometric characteristics of the functional independence measure, 5 item Barthel index, and 10 item Barthel index in patients with stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2002;73:188-190. 【迄今 Oct.5, 2014被引用 163 次, Google scholar】
10. Hsieh CL, Sheu CF, Hsueh IP, Wang CH. Trunk control as an early predictor of comprehensive activities of daily living function in stroke patients. Stroke. 2002;33:2626-2630.【迄今 Oct.5, 2014被引用 168 次, Google scholar】

* 此論文比較一種平衡測量儀器跟傳統平衡量表之心理計量特性,量表怎可能跟儀器比較!? 後續我們還有類似【不可思議】的比較:
A. Chen CH, Lin SF, Yu WH, Lin JH, Chen HL, Hsieh CL. Comparison of the test-retest reliability of the balance computerized adaptive test and a computerized posturography instrument in patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014;95:1477-1483.
B. 吳宗憲, 戴翊, 陳嘉炘, 李素, 林昭宏. 比較中風病人上肢動作量表及運動學分析之再測信度. 物理治療. 2010;35:292-299.


就是發給你一隻【公務手機】, 【24 hours 皆須接聽】!



昨天有人送我 iPhone 6, I'm VERY LUCKY, 但我直言可能轉送他人。。。因為我不想 24 hours 都 internet accessible 讓自己 24 hours 皆難以抗拒網路的誘惑。。。作繭自縛/自作自受。

2014年10月1日 星期三

HL 之學習/成長曲線

週二時討論到「中風後時間」與 "Health Literacy (HL)" 之關聯
我想這應很接近一般的 "knowledge" or "skill" 學習曲線

if so, HL 跟時間之關聯薄弱
甚至我們自己的諸多"knowledge" or "skill"之學習亦然。。。。