時間:2023/2/10 (五) 15:20~16:50
地點:201 公衛大樓
主持人: 陳顥齡老師
講者: 蔡麗婷、陳官琳與其研究團隊、黃千瑀與其研究團隊
- 特殊需求兒童之視覺功能測驗組之發展與其應用
(1) Assessment Development and Refinement in the CCOP Lab—陳官琳 (10 minutes)
(2) Development and Validation of a Newly Developed Preschool Theory of Mind Assessment (ToMA-P) –傅奕寧 (5 minutes)(現場)
(3) Interpreting the results of explicit and applied theory of mind collectively in children with autism spectrum disorder: Mapping scores of two theory of mind constructs –李士捷(5 minutes) (現場)
(4) A new social competence outcome measure for children with autism spectrum disorder: Observational Social Competence Assessment (OSCA) –陳官琳 (5 minutes)
(5) Video games as a medium for assessing cognitive flexibility in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder: an application of artificial intelligence—黃子芸 (5 minutes)(視訊)
4:30-4:50 綜合討論(1) 兒童自我照顧表現測驗之發展---程培雅 (10分鐘)(現場)
(2) 兒童動作測驗之改良---黃千瑀 (10分鐘)(現場)
(3) 以人工智慧技術發展兒童評估工具—黃千瑀 (10分鐘)
- Yeh YC, Hung CF, Lin CY, Wu YY, Kuo CH, Potenza MN, Cheng CH, Chen KL. The animated assessment of theory of mind for people with schizophrenia (AToMS): development and psychometric evaluation. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2022 Oct 18. Online ahead of print.
- Tsai LT, Wu WC, Hsieh CL, Wu TY, Lu YC, Hou CH. Development and validation of the Visual Function Battery for Children with Special Needs. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2022. Online ahead of print.
- Chen KL, Huang CY, Chen CT, Chow JC, Chou W. Development of the Computerized Adaptive Test of Motor Development (MD-CAT) Adopting Multidimensional Rasch Analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2021 Nov;102(11):2185-2192.e2.
- Huang CY, Chen SS, Chen CT, Lee PS, Yu TY, Chen KL. Psychometric Properties and Efficiency of the Computerized Adaptive Testing System for Measuring Self-Care Performance in Taiwanese Children With Developmental Disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Aug;101(8):1332-1337.
- Huang CY, Tung LC, Chou YT, Wu HM, Chen KL, Hsieh CL. Development of a Computerized Adaptive Test of Children's Gross Motor Skills. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018;99:512-520.
- Huang CY, Tung LC, Chou YT, Chou W, Chen KL, Hsieh CL. Improving the utility of the fine motor skills subscale of the comprehensive developmental inventory for infants and toddlers: a computerized adaptive test. Disabil Rehabil. 2018;40:2803-2809.
- 多面向且發展性之兒童心智理論能力電腦適性測驗之建構
- 兒童人工智慧執行功能評估系統:以動畫影片與電腦遊戲評估自閉症類群障礙症與注意力缺損過動症兒童之多面向執行功能
- 應用人工智慧系統於發展遲緩兒童評估、治療及成效追蹤: 以粗動作、細動作、運筆、注意力、情緒五領域為主
- 學齡兒童情緒行為電腦化適性測驗:系統與常模建置