也提醒我留意是如何或誰造成的疏漏 -- 這也是我的學習能力//避免同樣的錯誤繼續發生
一起努力! 提升效能、維持自己/團隊的聲譽!!
從2009年7月生涯第1次研究休假開始撰寫 blog,以跟同學、好友交流教學/研究,甚至臨床之心得。
Try hard enough, you can get what you want!
Talent is the desire to practice.
Slow and Steady wins the game.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
你現在的努力 要感動未來的你!
也提醒我留意是如何或誰造成的疏漏 -- 這也是我的學習能力//避免同樣的錯誤繼續發生
一起努力! 提升效能、維持自己/團隊的聲譽!!
1. Chien CW, Hu MH, Tang PF, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. A comparison of psychometric properties of the smart balance master system and the postural assessment scale for stroke in people who have had mild stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88:374-380. 這篇已被引用超過100次 (Google)
2. Chien CW, Lin JH, Wang CH, Hsueh IP, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. Developing a short form of the postural assessment scale for people with stroke. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2007;21:81-90
3. Chien CW, Wang JD, Yao G, Hsueh IP, Hsieh CL. Agreement between the WHOQOL-BREF Chinese and Taiwanese versions in the elderly. J Formos Med Assoc. 2009;108:164-169
4. Chien CW, Wang JD, Yao G, Sheu CF, Hsieh CL. Development and validation of a WHOQOL-BREF Taiwanese audio player-assisted interview version for the elderly who use a spoken dialect. Qual Life Res. 2007;16:1375-1381
5. Chou CY, Chien CW, Hsueh IP, Sheu CF, Wang CH, Hsieh CL. Developing a short form of the Berg balance scale for people with stroke. Phys Ther. 2006;86:195-204. 這篇已被引用超過200次 (Google)
最近敏盛醫院提供醫學院教師研究經費... 每年6月中旬申請,單一計畫可申請經費高達150萬。雖然不能申請人事費用,但算很有誠意了。
只要有想法、有團隊!! 申請研究經費之管道多元/經費充裕!!
1. Tang SF, Chen IH, Chiang HY, Wu CT, Hsueh IP, Yu WH, et al. A comparison between the original and tablet-based symbol digit modalities test in patients with schizophrenia: Test-retest agreement, random measurement error, practice effect, and ecological validity. Psych Res. 2018;260:199-206
2. Lin GH, Wu CT, Huang YJ, Lin P, Chou CY, Lee SC, et al. A reliable and valid assessment of sustained attention for patients with schizophrenia: The computerized digit vigilance test. Arch Clin Neuropsych. 2018;33:227-237
3. Chiu EC, Lee SC, Kuo CJ, Lung FW, Hsueh IP, Hsieh CL. Development of a performance-based measure of executive functions in patients with schizophrenia. PloS One. 2015;10:e0142790
4. Chiang HY, Lee SC, Lin PH, Chou CY, Hsieh CL. Development of a computerized adaptive testing system for assessing social knowledge in people with schizophrenia. Am J Occup Ther. 2020;74:7404205050p7404205051-7404205050p7404205059
5. Lee SC, Lin GH, Liu CC, Chiu EC, Hsieh CL. Development of the CAT-FER: A computerized adaptive test of facial emotion recognition for adults with schizophrenia. Am J Occup Ther. 2021;75:7501205140p7501205141-7501205140p7501205111
6. Lee SC, Liu CC, Kuo CJ, Hsueh IP, Hsieh CL. Sensitivity and specificity of a facial emotion recognition test in classifying patients with schizophrenia. J Affect Disord. 2020;275:224-229
7. Lee SC, Chen KW, Huang CY, Li PC, Hsieh TL, Lee YC, Hsueh IP. Development of a Rasch-calibrated test assessing implied meaning in patients with schizophrenia. Am J Occup Ther. [Accepted for publication, Apr. 14, 2021]
*還有蠻多未發表的工具... 失敗的通常比成功的多!!
驗證評估工具應用於 schizo 心理計量的論文,也不少了。
1. Chen KW, Lee SC, Chiang HY, Syu YC, Yu XX, Hsieh CL. Psychometric properties of three measures assessing advanced theory of mind: Evidence from people with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2017;257:490-496.
2. Chen KW, Lee YC, Yu TY, Cheng LJ, Chao CY, Hsieh CL. Test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-fourth edition in patients with schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry. 2021;21:39.
3. Chen KW, Lin GH, Chen NC, Wang JK, Hsieh CL. Practice effects and test-retest reliability of the continuous performance test, identical pairs version in patients with schizophrenia over four serial assessments. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2020;35:545-552.
4. Chiu EC, Hung TM, Huang CM, Lee SC, Hsieh CL. Responsiveness of the personal and social performance scale in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2018;260:338-342.
5. Lee SC, Tang SF, Lu WS, Huang SL, Deng NY, Lue WC, et al. Minimal detectable change of the personal and social performance scale in individuals with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2016;246:725-729.
6. Chiu EC, Lai KY, Lin SK, Tang SF, Lee SC, Hsieh CL. Construct validity and reliability of the comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation scale (cotes) in people with schizophrenia. Am J Occup Ther. 2019;73:7306205060p7306205061-7306205060p7306205068.
7. Chiu EC, Lee Y, Lai KY, Kuo CJ, Lee SC, Hsieh CL. Construct validity of the Chinese version of the activities of daily living rating scale III in patients with schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0130702.
8. Huang SL, Lu WS, Lee CC, Wang HW, Lee SC, Hsieh CL. Minimal detectable change on the Lawton instrumental activities of daily living scale in community-dwelling patients with schizophrenia. Am J Occup Ther. 2018;72:7205195020p7205195021-7205195020p7205195027.
9. Lee P, Li PC, Liu CH, Hsieh CL. Test-retest reliability of two attention tests in schizophrenia. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2011;26:405-411.
10. Lee P, Lin HY, Liu CH, Lu WS, Hsieh CL. Relative and absolute reliabilities of the Conners' continuous performance test II in schizophrenia. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2016;31:769-779.
11. Lee P, Liu CH, Fan CW, Lu CP, Lu WS, Hsieh CL. The test-retest reliability and the minimal detectable change of the Purdue pegboard test in schizophrenia. J Formos Med Assoc. 2013;112:332-337.
12. Lee P, Lu WS, Liu CH, Lin HY, Hsieh CL. Test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change of the d2 test of attention in patients with schizophrenia. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2018;33:1060-1068.
從第1屆我主辦開始... 倏忽21屆了!!
這次AI 專題,吸引不少回應,其一為:AI若用於優化教學效能,很值得! 但若用於取代治療師,那令人擔心。
1. AI 功能強,且越來越強大;
2. AI 將影響臨床執業/教學;
5. 上述4種看法... 無人能擋。