1. 精熟本團隊之核心知識/技術:如 Rasch analysis, structural equation modeling, CAT, and AI,他皆專精,擔任支柱已久!!
2. 撰寫、執行研究計畫,包含AI計畫,幾乎都靠他了!!
3. CAT 本來皆委託合作專家協助分析,後來他可獨力完成。之後AI技術亦然。擔任箭頭/先鋒角色已多年!!
4. 謙卑/持續努力多年,學養俱佳,足為後輩典範!!
他的 blog: http://ghlin.blogspot.com/
1. Lin GH et al. Trajectories of quality of life in patients with traumatic limb injury: a 2-year follow-up study. Qual Life Res. 2016;25:2283-2293.
2. Lin GH et al. Development of a Computerized Adaptive Testing System of the Functional Assessment of Stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018;99:676-683.
3. Lin GH et al. Development of a Computerized Adaptive Testing System for Assessing 5 Functions in Patients with Stroke: A Simulation and Validation Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019;100:899-907.
July 1, 2020 他將就任臺北醫學大學「長期照護碩士學位學程」-特此紀念/祝福!!