2019年6月27日 星期四

MoCA 也商業化了


"To insure consistency and accuracy training and certification to administer and score the MoCA Test will become mandatory as of September 1st 2019. You will have one year to complete MoCA’s Official standardised training and certification program . After Sep 1st 2020, access to the test will not be possible if training and certification are not completed. If you need immediate access to the test, you can select I am already certified, then complete your certification before September 1st 2020.

If you wish to continue using the MoCA Test without being officially trained and certified, you will be at increased risk for administration, scoring and interpretation errors which could lead to misdiagnosis and liability."


謝謝 Patrice 提供的訊息。

2019年6月24日 星期一

訓練博後 英文教學能力

除了 Lynn 的英文課程,持續練習。。。


Title: TA (or teaching performance rater)
Job description: Giving feedback to a junior lecturer (the post doc) in terms of the following indicators:
1. Content expertise
2. Instructional design skills
3. Instructional delivery skills (including presentation skills, plain English usage and pronunciation). 

博後的角色: A junior lecturer offers short courses to my son (either TL or TY) once or twice every week. About 5~8 mins per lecture and 10~20 mins for discussion. The lectures are designed by the post docs and be accepted by my sons.

The post doc please record the lecturing and discussion once per 3 times.

1. Achieve substantial improvement in 3 months (about 12-time lectures). We can check the audios to determine whether the improvement is meaningful.
2. The post docs participate in 2020 or 2021 國際學術研討會

Enjoy the practice and achievement!

2019年6月11日 星期二

以 AI 簡化多種評估工具

以中風常用評估工具,如 NIHSS, Barthel index, MMSE, SIS 等(共約150項題目)臨床或臨床試驗常用之評估工具,AI技術可同時/一併簡化之。我們預估至少可減少2/3之項目,上述工具只需50題以內!



我們已有類似資料庫可以測試, sounds great!!



2019年6月9日 星期日

OSCE 教學/研究方向之整合

團隊後續 宜設計 溝通技巧/同理心/SDM  之OSCE 教案,以改良相關評估工具、教案、教學模式



溝通技巧/同理心/SDM  之OSCE 教案 與教學  可成為實習學生臨床考試之一部分或另開新課程(大四選修)[與臨床治療師合作]


我快速查一下PubMed台灣 OSCE 研究現況 (Objective Structured Clinical Examination[tw] AND TAIWAN[AD] ):
  1. Situated teaching improves empathy learning of the students in a BSN program: A quasi-experimental study.
  2. Can teaching hospitals use serial formative OSCEs to improve student performance?
  3. Multi-source evaluation of interpersonal and communication skills of family medicine residents.
  4. Power of the policy: how the announcement of high-stakes clinical examination altered OSCE implementation at institutional level.

2019年6月4日 星期二

練習英文 聽 & 講

看到  AI教你練習英文聽與說之新聞   (ELSA APP), 我就去下載玩一玩

玩了約3天(可免費試用7天),我就買1年份,約台幣1000元。【若有毅力者,可考慮買終身的,比較划算!!我已持續練習超過1年多了! Aug. 24, 2020】

聽 &說 練習,APP 可立即給予回饋(指出哪個字/音  發音錯誤),且說明如何發音, so lovely!

我就找 Google 求救,在 Youtube 找到許多如何發音的 videos... so great!!
我最喜歡 Sounds American


現在天天使用 ELSA APP... 加上天天看漫畫 【我已持續1年多了! Aug. 24, 2020】


*只是還是要提一下:英文之聽說讀寫,對我們而言:讀 最重要,這也是花我們最多時間者。但對我而言「寫」更重要,更花時間。



聽 &說 的機會/重要性  那就少很多了。。。也是我長期不重視(或沒時間學習/練習)的原因