SDM一般 主要用以選擇對個案最佳/合適之治療模式
但對OT而言,或須先應用於 goal setting!
SDM如何應用於 goal setting??
臨床有二種/階層 goals,
一是 short-term goal
二是各 short-term goals 於特定時間欲達成的 goals(如 goal attainment scale 所設定之 goals)
對個案/家屬而言, short-term goals 不易確定,且有很多選擇,故這是SDM很合適的標的!
且臨床上, goal setting 先於治療模式之決定!
so, 對OT言,似宜先運用SDM設定 short-term goals, 再以SDM選擇對個案最佳/合適之治療模式
long-term goal 好像是以治療師為主, if so, 先不考量
若以上成立,我們可以先寫一篇 「SDM如何應用於 goal setting」之理論論述論文!!當成我們以後臨床與研究之 theoretical framework!! 且這應是國際上OT第一篇「SDM如何應用於OT之 goal setting」
從2009年7月生涯第1次研究休假開始撰寫 blog,以跟同學、好友交流教學/研究,甚至臨床之心得。
Try hard enough, you can get what you want!
Talent is the desire to practice.
Slow and Steady wins the game.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
你現在的努力 要感動未來的你!
2017年11月30日 星期四
2017年11月18日 星期六
看到一篇論文翻譯 LOTCA 時,採用 semantic equivalence...
"A well-translated survey instrument should have semantic equivalence across languages, conceptual equivalence across cultures, and normative equivalence to the source survey.
Semantic equivalence refers to the words and sentence structure in the translated text expressing the same meaning as the source language.
Conceptual equivalence is when the concept being measured is the same across groups, although wording to describe it may be different.
Normative equivalence describes the ability of the translated text to address social norms that may differ across cultures." Source: UCSF.
"A well-translated survey instrument should have semantic equivalence across languages, conceptual equivalence across cultures, and normative equivalence to the source survey.
Semantic equivalence refers to the words and sentence structure in the translated text expressing the same meaning as the source language.
Conceptual equivalence is when the concept being measured is the same across groups, although wording to describe it may be different.
Normative equivalence describes the ability of the translated text to address social norms that may differ across cultures." Source: UCSF.
2017年11月9日 星期四
2017年11月5日 星期日
2017年11月4日 星期六
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