* Previous summary of the psychometric properties of the SKQ:
1. The questions of the SKQ were somewhat easy for the patients.
2. Both internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the SKQ were moderate.
3. The validity of the SKQ needs further investigation.
4. The responsiveness of the SKQ was low to moderate.
5. The additional 5 items appeared very difficult or very easy. The effect of the 5 items was limited in improving reliability and responsiveness of the SKQ.
* Results of confirmatory factor analysis appear negative:
1. They may keep using the original SKQ-25 for consistency because the marginal effects of adding 5 items or deleting 5 easy items of the SKQ-30 were limited.
2. There is a room for improving the psychometric properties of SKQ-25.
Tammy may write a short report on these findings in the future (at least 6 month later).
從2009年7月生涯第1次研究休假開始撰寫 blog,以跟同學、好友交流教學/研究,甚至臨床之心得。
Try hard enough, you can get what you want!
Talent is the desire to practice.
Slow and Steady wins the game.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
你現在的努力 要感動未來的你!
2009年10月30日 星期五
tDCS 研究構想
1. 傳統上肢治療結合 tDCS 對於亞急性住院中風病人之成效
2. 傳統上肢治療結合 tDCS 對於慢性中風病人之成效
需 Karine 幫忙,也請臨床 staff 加入。
相關探索議題極豐富,如 tDCS 之 protocol/intensity/timing, 如何與OT訓練結合之效果最好。
Call for Nominations for Appointment of New Adjunct and Honorary Professors
這是 UQ OT 系主任 向他們老師徵求推薦人選,一任3年,至多2任6年。
目前2位為: University of Toronto 的 Prof. Michael Iwana 以及 Washioton University in St. Louis 的 Carolyn Baum
目前2位為: University of Toronto 的 Prof. Michael Iwana 以及 Washioton University in St. Louis 的 Carolyn Baum
2009年10月21日 星期三
Note: 協助慶麟往臨床CAT發展,以爭取資源壯大團隊!!
Note: 協助慶麟往臨床CAT發展,以爭取資源壯大團隊!!
tDCS 結合上肢訓練之成效探討
1. 研究主題確認及優先順序(初步)排序。
初步結論: a. 治療標的先以 fine motor 為主,後續考慮 attention/short-term memory. 主要考量的原因包含,立即可行,具備重要性,且樣本多。
b. 預計 subacute 及 chronic patients 同時進行試驗。 郭醫師與我同時進行研究設計,待陳醫師同意後,下週進行細部討論。
c. OT 配合的 fine motor training protocol 包含傳統訓練, task-oriented approach 及 Bi-Manu track (詳 http://www.reha-stim.de/en/proarm.htm 網頁亦有參考文獻,OT ADL 有一台)
2. tDCS 與 rTMS 於治療上的成效有何不同?如果類似且考慮集中資源,是否採用一項即可?
結論: 有些不同 TMS 可刺激較深部。但 tDCS 設備已有,且便宜可攜帶,故先採用之。
3. 硬體資源部分,與陳文翔醫師討論如何爭取。包含申請醫學院貴重儀器或向研發室(校/院)爭取。
結論: 與陳醫師/王主任討論如何爭取 rTMS 之預算。
4. 考慮邀請陳思甫醫師進行動物實驗以及pharmacological modulation 研究。
結論: 謝老師先跟陳思甫醫師交換意見後,確認後,再請陳思甫醫師跟郭醫師連絡。
下次討論時間,下週一 - 三,屆時再以 Skype 約定。
初步結論: a. 治療標的先以 fine motor 為主,後續考慮 attention/short-term memory. 主要考量的原因包含,立即可行,具備重要性,且樣本多。
b. 預計 subacute 及 chronic patients 同時進行試驗。 郭醫師與我同時進行研究設計,待陳醫師同意後,下週進行細部討論。
c. OT 配合的 fine motor training protocol 包含傳統訓練, task-oriented approach 及 Bi-Manu track (詳 http://www.reha-stim.de/en/proarm.htm 網頁亦有參考文獻,OT ADL 有一台)
2. tDCS 與 rTMS 於治療上的成效有何不同?如果類似且考慮集中資源,是否採用一項即可?
結論: 有些不同 TMS 可刺激較深部。但 tDCS 設備已有,且便宜可攜帶,故先採用之。
3. 硬體資源部分,與陳文翔醫師討論如何爭取。包含申請醫學院貴重儀器或向研發室(校/院)爭取。
結論: 與陳醫師/王主任討論如何爭取 rTMS 之預算。
4. 考慮邀請陳思甫醫師進行動物實驗以及pharmacological modulation 研究。
結論: 謝老師先跟陳思甫醫師交換意見後,確認後,再請陳思甫醫師跟郭醫師連絡。
下次討論時間,下週一 - 三,屆時再以 Skype 約定。
2009年10月19日 星期一
2009年10月18日 星期日
2009年10月16日 星期五
A meeting with Louise for her plan
She is interested in revising the CHEDOKE (measuring bilateral hand function). The CHEDOKE's developer Sussan will come to Brisbane in the end of October.
I recommend her to ask for Susan's data sets for her revisions.
She's also interested in my datat sets about UE logitudinal follow-up data. I'll send her papers for what I have done on the data set.
I recommend her to ask for Susan's data sets for her revisions.
She's also interested in my datat sets about UE logitudinal follow-up data. I'll send her papers for what I have done on the data set.
2009年10月14日 星期三
The impact of my current and future study
To address Jake's question about whether my studies are big, I may address such an issue on several perspectives 1. the impact of my studies, 2. whether the results can be accumulated.
To be continued...
To be continued...
2009年10月13日 星期二
2009年10月9日 星期五
The meeting with Tammy & Sally
The psychometric properties of the Stroke Knowledge Questionnaire was modest in terms of reliability and responsivess. They seem to revise the questionnaire in the future.
The validity of the questionnaire is largely unknown. Thus, I'll perform CFA and IRT to determine it's construct validity.
The current examination of the self-efficacy VAS is limited becuase of weak theoretical framework. In addition, test-retest reliability is needed. So we'll leave it here until they have criteria to compare and/or test-retest data.
In addition, I might have to tell them that I'm developing an item bank for stroke knowledge in the near future.
The validity of the questionnaire is largely unknown. Thus, I'll perform CFA and IRT to determine it's construct validity.
The current examination of the self-efficacy VAS is limited becuase of weak theoretical framework. In addition, test-retest reliability is needed. So we'll leave it here until they have criteria to compare and/or test-retest data.
In addition, I might have to tell them that I'm developing an item bank for stroke knowledge in the near future.
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