從2009年7月生涯第1次研究休假開始撰寫 blog,以跟同學、好友交流教學/研究,甚至臨床之心得。
Try hard enough, you can get what you want!
Talent is the desire to practice.
Slow and Steady wins the game.
Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
你現在的努力 要感動未來的你!
2009年9月29日 星期二
A meeting with Tammy & Sally
They developed 2 questionnaires (stroke knowledge & self-efficacy). My preliminary data analyses found that both questionnaires have some limitations (e.g. small to moderate responsiveness, weak theoretical basis). However, they don't make decision to revise both questionnaires. It's hard for researchers interested in clinical trials.
2009年9月28日 星期一
發表100 篇論文: a milestone
To be continued.
To be continued.
2009年9月25日 星期五
1. 前幾週國衛院 e-mail 通知: 第4季研究經費保留15%(也就是打85折)。有些經費就吹了。
2. 今天學校e-mail 通知: 教育部對所有5年5百億補助保留25%(也就是打75折)。有些經費就也吹了。
我想這都是88水災,透支政府財政的結果。 只是很難想像年初還在發消費券,也在獎勵就業(我也因此多聘了助理)。一個水災,大大小小的研究計畫經費皆受到波及。真是在同一條船上阿!只是經費不足如何留住人才!?沒人才就沒研發,研發不強,如何提升競爭力阿!
2. 今天學校e-mail 通知: 教育部對所有5年5百億補助保留25%(也就是打75折)。有些經費就也吹了。
我想這都是88水災,透支政府財政的結果。 只是很難想像年初還在發消費券,也在獎勵就業(我也因此多聘了助理)。一個水災,大大小小的研究計畫經費皆受到波及。真是在同一條船上阿!只是經費不足如何留住人才!?沒人才就沒研發,研發不強,如何提升競爭力阿!
MDC & Bland-Altman plot
- Issue 1: 一評估工具之MDC 是否為定值?也就是分數高低不同,MDC都一樣?
- Issue 2: 評估所得分數越高,再測結果之分數差距是否越大,也就是 Bland-Altman plot 之 heteroscedasticity (ie, non-uniformity 差距非定值,通常是分數越大,差距越大) 現象?
issue 2 Bland & Altman 建議用觀察的,看看分數越大,分數差異是否隨之越大? 但觀察法過於主觀。 有時我們會用 differences & mean 二者之 Pearson 相關判斷二者有無顯著關連,但其意義似不明顯。
最近投稿PT雜誌,審稿者建議使用 Pearson r 分析 absolute differences (differences 的絕對值) & mean 之關連程度,若 r > 0.3 則有heteroscedasticity
1. 但此法的MDC%計算,分母必須採用 所有測試(或前測) 之 mean值,非評估工具可能分數之最大值。
2. 10月2日跟 Karine 討論,以上似難應用於具有學習效應的情境。上述的前提應是 前後側的 mean difference 接近 0。否則 absolute differences 的意義就有限了。 似可校正學習效應之數值,但須證實學習效應是定值(不同能力的個案,學習效應一致)。這就變得很複雜了,有無必要繼續深究??
NSC 整合計畫及後續
- 上週王主任認為應該由我改寫/彙整所有9個子計畫摘要,我也同意。否則一一連絡所有主持人,曠時費日,成效不佳。 所以我就責任重大了。
- 後來加入陳文翔醫師的博士後研究員,加入「直流電大腦皮質刺激」(transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, tDCS)抑制健側大腦皮質之興奮,是否提升動作復健之效果。也加入經顱磁刺激術(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, TMS)以探討 neuroplasticity 讓此研究更全面及深入!
- 請侯醫師及佳苓給修改意見。
- 預計週一(28th)早上定稿!
- 未來宜考量,如何將佳苓的 fMRI/MRI/DSI 一併整合起來! 另外也可設計RCT,測試外加 tDCS 之肢體復健成效。
2009年9月16日 星期三
listen to a speech offered by Prof. Leeanne Carey
She is a well-known researcher. She is the first and only Australian OT to be the member of the American OT Foundation Academy of Research.
Her topic is about "Neuroscience makes Sense for OT."
She is using imaging techniques to verify the effect of sensory stimulation prgrams for stroke patients.
She talked a lot of OT related models (eg, daily performance/participation; client-centered) linking to the sensory components.
She is good at MRI and sensory assessment and intervention.
I told her about Karine's research and ask for her help. She was interested and agreed immediately.
Thus Karine should contact her for sensory assessment and the related techniques. Karine might visit her on the conference or her lab in the future.
However, the effect of sensory programs on daily function seems unclear OR I missed.
She spent a lot of time on OT related models. I'm wondering should this part be omitted? If so, she can spent much more time on her sensory programs, MRI, outcome measures, and future perspectives/challanges. But she might have to talk about that. Or most OT might feel she's not doing OT-related studies (ie, too component oriented). If she would give a talk for non-OT audience, the related models would not be necessary at all. These theories are not very relevant and can be simplied. Her sensory programs are making sense per sec. Non-OT can understand without any difficulties.
profession vs science
patient-centered and occupation-based
Both have to be covered?
Her homepages:
Her topic is about "Neuroscience makes Sense for OT."
She is using imaging techniques to verify the effect of sensory stimulation prgrams for stroke patients.
She talked a lot of OT related models (eg, daily performance/participation; client-centered) linking to the sensory components.
She is good at MRI and sensory assessment and intervention.
I told her about Karine's research and ask for her help. She was interested and agreed immediately.
Thus Karine should contact her for sensory assessment and the related techniques. Karine might visit her on the conference or her lab in the future.
However, the effect of sensory programs on daily function seems unclear OR I missed.
She spent a lot of time on OT related models. I'm wondering should this part be omitted? If so, she can spent much more time on her sensory programs, MRI, outcome measures, and future perspectives/challanges. But she might have to talk about that. Or most OT might feel she's not doing OT-related studies (ie, too component oriented). If she would give a talk for non-OT audience, the related models would not be necessary at all. These theories are not very relevant and can be simplied. Her sensory programs are making sense per sec. Non-OT can understand without any difficulties.
profession vs science
patient-centered and occupation-based
Both have to be covered?
Her homepages:
2009年9月15日 星期二
研究生(佳苓與姿誼)觀摩 助理之 臨床評估/資料收集
所以我安排研究生(佳苓與姿誼)觀摩 助理之 臨床評估/資料收集!!
未來半年內,佳苓與姿誼將跟 助理 安排2次觀摩時間(其中佳苓只出席1次)。
1. 說明主要資料收集內容與流程
2. 給予所有問卷/評估工具各一份
3. 說明所有評估工具之使用重點
4. 示範所有評估工具之使用
5. 說明平常工作之心得
6. 說明平常遭遇之困難
所以我安排研究生(佳苓與姿誼)觀摩 助理之 臨床評估/資料收集!!
未來半年內,佳苓與姿誼將跟 助理 安排2次觀摩時間(其中佳苓只出席1次)。
1. 說明主要資料收集內容與流程
2. 給予所有問卷/評估工具各一份
3. 說明所有評估工具之使用重點
4. 示範所有評估工具之使用
5. 說明平常工作之心得
6. 說明平常遭遇之困難
2009年9月10日 星期四
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