2009年7月26日 星期日

The meeting with Jake

Main point: 1. To do some big studies (high impact). A big study could be a long-term logitudinal follow-up syudy. As long and large as possible!
Thus, I have to consider whether my current studies are big enough. Or I have to change my track of study (to be a large study). If OK, I have to strengthen my research teams, particulary inviting some more PIs to join my group!
The other thing that I can do is to help/inspire young investigators establish their research career.

2. The difference is limited between the effort for a small project and a big project. But the results have big difference. So why not try to do a big project!

Jake's project (a life-time project): MUSP "AN ONGOING STUDY OF THE HEALTH OF MOTHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN THAT COMMENCED DURING PREGNANCY" http://www.socialscience.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=15531&pid=15531

They have written "Guidelines for collaboration" at http://www.ansoc.uq.edu.au/research/musp/MUSP_guidelines_for_collaboration_MOU.pdf

2009年7月24日 星期五

the meeting with Dr. Louise Gustafsson

She is one of my two main collaborators (the other one is Dr. Tammy Hoffman).
Two gioals:
1. To specify research ideas for my project.
2. To generate some reasearch ideas for future collobarations.
I just viewed her web site and her publications. Some ideas have came out:
a. Using my 3-year follow-up data to determine who would most likely to develop shoulder pain in patients with stroke
b. Exploring information provided by OT: from the perspective of patients

After meeting:
A. She is working on several projects (driving assessment, executive function assessment, patient education). They have met similar measurement issues because the majority of measures are coming from overseas. Some cultur-specific aspects cannot be addressed by overseas' measures.

B. I mentioned that I could share with her my shoulder pain follow-up data, if she would like to examine them.

C. See her again 3 weeks later. Using e-mail during these periods.

2009年7月22日 星期三

cognition tests 之 test-retest study

4 種 tests 請Linchao/湘萍協助設計
multi-site talk with Linchao/湘萍/Chia-wei. The effect is good.

2009年7月15日 星期三

The meeting with Prof. Jenny Strong

May arrange a talk for their faculty and graduate students in September.

I would hire an RA. She suggested that Louise is familiar with their students. So I will wait for Louise's return in next week.

2009年7月14日 星期二

The meeting with Tammy

1. ADL/QOL measures investigation in the OT-Seeker.
2. Self-efficacy scales (need my suggestion)
3. My specific RQ is to be determined in 2-4 weeks